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  • Just one year ago in May 2010 in a comment on this site we put the question: ”Who won the lost money?” from the financial crisis. Then we suggested that the missing trillions from world economy have entered the packed pockets of a few shadow men, that this money has been turned into a weapon for power and that a horrible inflation is around the corner to evaporate state debts and poor men’s savings.
  • Now in May 2010 the group of winners from the crisis does turn its profit into a dreadful political weapon and has already started to attack whole group of states- see the attack on the Euro. Who attacks it? Don’t the so called “speculators” have specific names? This is a breed of financial Talibans, a speculative “Al Qaeda” which specialize in financial terrorism with much more devastating effects than any bomb. Those who think that at the moment only “the bad” are suffering, but “the good like us” are not affected should recall how Rambo was riding against the bad Russians leading a Taliban cavalry. And how later 11.09. and Afghanistan came and how the Russians became preferred allies against Rambo’s Afghanistan friends.
  • A German commentator made a genius sum up of the credo of today’s financial Talibans with the magic hit of Leonard Cohen “First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin”. I.e. first the Dollar, then the Euro.
  • Financial markets have been designed as impassionate scales of the world economy to show the relative weight of its components. The problem is that the managers of those financial markets start pretending not only to be scales but the Goddess with the scales with no bandage on her eyes. I.e. like Gods of financial justice, giving this state a caress and the other- a slap. It is time the ghost is recalled back into the bottle.
  • Some years ago my wife and I had tickets for Broadway and went for an early dinner in a small Manhattan restaurant around Wall Street. The neighboring hall of the restaurant was a beer room and at about 18h pm was full of Wall Street employees having a beer with colleagues after hours before going home. Do you know how they shouted at each other, almost screaming, although their elbows were together? And this was supposed to be a calm, relaxing friendly talk at a beer after work. I tried to remember where else I had heard such a similar conversation with shouts. And I grew cold by the shock- exactly this way shouted in Bulgaria the prisoners at a lawyer’s audience in prison- overstressed, exploding eyes, hoarse voices. On the financial peak of the world others shouted the same way through their invisible bars.

May 2010

Valentin Braykov