- The Bulgarian tourist industry is uttering patriotic moans to us the Bulgarian citizens not to travel abroad but to spend their holidays at the Bulgarian Black sea coast.
- These appeals for a market compassion are hardly reaching the hearts of their addressees. No one has forgotten how in the last 20 years the whole coast line was overbuilt with all and any multistoried hotels turning the coast into a huge concrete bedroom regardless of infrastructure, environment and access to the sea itself.
- The majority of these hotels were built directly or indirectly by organized crime in association with the corrupt state which watched it idly happen. The money for those hotels construction were sucked from criminal privatization, ripped banks, predatory smuggling and direct robbery in front of the eyes of the partnering “justice”. In those years of construction boom and cheap bank credits no one cared about the opinion of the small common man. He and the state he believed in were brutally raped by human-like dinosaurs whose lack of scruples and immunity to justice pushed them to the social top.
- Now when those same dinosaurs feel the deadly market climate change they start wailing to that same small man robbed by them to come to their prey hotels and this time to give them his money voluntarily. But this small man happens to have memory, conscience, innocent children and dignity. “Surprisingly” 100 km. before the coast he feels the smell of mugs and to avoid this moral stink he turns south to Greece and Turkey. The problem is not only in the shelter and in the service. Since the Old Testament Labor is a sacred thing and more so is the Rest from labor on the seventh day. That is why for the sacred time of rest a man needs a pure place to relax his soul but not Sodom and Gomorra.
- To the small common Bulgarian the offer of the vulgar mugs to spend holidays in their criminal hotels sounds like a proposal for marriage after rape.
June 2010
Valentin Braykov