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On January 24th erupted again the artillery duel between vice premier and interior minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov and a few top Bulgarian judges. I do not intend at all to assess who is right and wrong especially since the chief prosecutor avoids this role and the new young minister is silent as if not she but Tsvetanov is in charge of justice.

The sad and bitter irony is that exactly on this January 24th 2012 was the 300 anniversary of the birth of Friedrich the Great- the famous King of Prussia and close friend of Voltaire. His sentence stays on some German Courts of Justice- “In court speak the laws and the rulers stay silent”.

Some of you may have visited his summer residence near Potsdam- the palace Sans Souci and the windmill near it. Friedrich did not like the mill in the midst of his panorama from the palace and tried to remove it/buy it. The poor owner firmly refused. Friedrich threatened him that he could take it at his wish but the miller replied:”Do not forget that there is a court in Berlin!”. Friedrich ordered that the mill stays there forever as a symbol of the confidence and trust in justice. It still does.

Europe was celebrating Friedrich the Great but in Bulgaria no word about him-
just the mud clash at his birthday b/n judiciary and executive. Like in 2010 no word about the 100 years since the death of Tolstoy.

No one can transform a spiritual desert into a garden if the desert does not want it.

January 2012                                                                                                                        Valentin Braykov