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  • Ordinary Bulgarians (who live like social submarines to grow up their children and send them abroad) expect that the EU is something more than an anti-corruption church. People view corrupt politicians as Peace Criminals who only deserve a peace version of the Nuerenberg tribunal. They look forward to a refutation of the alleged international deal with Bg corrupt rulers whose message seems to be: ”Let us milk our own people instead of asking you to pay us the foreign policy favors that we render you”. In other words- trading foreign policy obedience for corruption tolerance. Their only problem here is that it is a complex three direction “BMW” trade- with Brussels, Moscow and Washington.
  • An impressive number of court acquittals or prosecution termination of anti-corruption proceedings has created the suspicion that some of those proceedings were started on the request and arrangement of the investigated persons who prefer to be “investigated” and cleaned under the present government rather than under the next one. This prompted the appearance of the term “Crime laundry”.
  • No top politician has been tried and sent to prison- yet the former chief prosecutor claimed openly that public funds of nearly E 30 bln had been abused in the transition years. No enforcement authority cares to note that election spending of the ruling coalition is much much higher than those parties’ declared legal income.
  • Under the above circumstances it is obvious that ordinary citizens of a small tomato republic cannot fight its corruption elite armored with impotent judiciary.
  • The only solution is an international anti-corruption tribunal with independent and sufficient capacity to challenge national corruption governments- at least within the EU. Like the acting International Criminal Court. Anything imperfect in that direction will be better than the current disaster.

June 2008

Valentin Braykov