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  “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in Paradise!”. This is the answer Christ gives to one of the two criminals hanging next to Him on a cross. That criminal has just confessed: ”We are punished justly for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this Man has done nothing wrong”.

     On this context Pope Benedict XVI writes in his book “Jesus of Nazareth”: “Peace is based on justice…Pilatus knew the truth and what justice required…but the specific truth of the case had to concede before the peace…Pilatus was going to learn later that peace cannot be made against the truth”.

     Justice is the daughter of conscience because conscience is the God speaking within each of us. It is that divine instinct that drives man to be in harmony with the Universe. That is why conscience speaks within us by one voice.

     He who passes a just law or a just act of court – he is writing the Ode of Joy in law. Law is beautiful when it is just. A country governed by law which lacks justice is a kind of organized crime and there the human soul casts verbal bullets.

      Abiding by just laws is the noblest participation in power.

     The greatest asset that we can leave to our children is a more just social order- this is the real and lasting tenderness that we can give them.

     For the sake of justice many people open their tongues but too few open their hearts. The road to justice is within us- when the sail of the soul catches the breath of the Spirit and thus sweeps into the divine space.

     Justice is like the water- it does not belong to the spring from where we get it because the spring is only its door. Like what comes out of the room does not belong to the door.

     Christmas 2012                                                                                           Valentin Braykov