The limit of madness is only the physically impossible. In the psychic aspect madness has no limit. Another privilege of madness is that the mad man does not feel pain- on the contrary, he enjoys health. That is why his treatment is always enforced upon him.
On 22.08.2014 the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) stated exactly that: “To this moment the Corporate and Commercial Bank (CCB) and its affiliate Commercial Bank Victoria (CBV) continue to experience a huge deficit of liquid assets which is about BGN 6.3 billion for CCB and BGN 284 mln for TBV”. (BGN 2=Euro 1)
This money is not available today just like it was not available three months ago. Therefore the issue is not for momentary missing money at the cash desk of a surprised bank but for its irreversible disappearance. This BGN 6.6 bln is simply missing and nobody can hide this since two things cannot be hidden in this world- the presence of beauty and the absence of money. The verbal baby rattle that the bank has sufficient value assets crashes into the simple question: and why does not the bank pledge these value assets to another bank to generate cash and pay out to the over 100 000 depositors?
No bank could survive a mass withdrawal of deposits. OK, but in my contract for bank deposit there is no provision that if I am the 101st to withdraw money they will not give it to me.
Our annual gross domestic product (GDP) amounts to BGN 80 bln.
BGN 6.6 bln missing CCB money amounts to 8% of Bulgaria’s GDP.
I do claim that such a single-shot bank robbery equal to 8% of a country’s GDP is unprecedented in Europe. It stops the breath like a huge explosion. In any state it would probably prompt Martial Law.
Another baby rattle which they jingle in front of our face is the off-shore hunt for a banker in connection with BGN 200 mln. But why don’t they chase the other BGN 6.4 bln from the missing money? And this BGN 6.4 bln is here, in the full parties’ bellies which gather financial fat for the political winter out of power. By the rattle “one guilty banker” they hijack our attention exactly from this BGN 6.4 bln.
Many media statements on CCB provoke an elementary hygienic question: How do their authors wash their mouth after speaking them? How do they cleanse themselves after the media gargle? For with such unwashed mouth and lips one should not kiss children. Look at another frequent perversity- they are getting used to discuss the bank’s money as if it is their own money and not my own. How much they would lose if they pay me back my own dearly earned money?!? But let them lose what they should- and go to Hell.
The CCB feast was joined by certifiable amateurs who immediately started jumping the big ring dance. They proclaimed for guilty the supervision department of the national bank- as if one can stop a lion with an awl. But some idiots did not realize the following simple provision from the Law on Obligations and Contracts, art.49:”He who has assigned to another person some work shall be liable for the damages caused by the assignee when he performed the assigned work”. I.e. if the BNB supervision turns to be the CCB sinner then any CCB victim could sue the BNB for its losses. Simply they would tear apart the national bank through its supervision department. It seems someone has just cautioned them and since a few days two Pharisees changed the song: BNB supervision is good, no problem there, such nice guys aren’t they? Listening to this one gets the feeling that a crocodile and an alligator have opened a vegetarian restaurant.
They cannot cover these huge bank losses from the national budget because they are already sucking from budget for the pensions and for the health care- whose independence has long vanished in the same Bulgarian financial Bermuda triangle. Now they shall finance this robbery by foreign debt- our children to pay.
The miserable Bulgarian people are being subjected to unprecedented corruption terror! No institution which has been designed to serve ruling thieves will help them. If after the banking disaster of 1996 a justice whip was waved, the hyenas of today would not have dared to hunt the CCB. What is left to do- a national anticorruption rebellion against the raging gang?
After the Enron scandal of 2001 the American Securities and Exchange Commission told the markets expressly that the public information for the financial institutions should be so clear, simple and understandable that it should allow even unprofessional investors-pensioners to make a responsible decision. With us it happened exactly the opposite: a multiyear whirlpool of fraud and mislead for the best bank (the CCB), the most influential man of the year (its owner) and much more. Only three months ago they shouted there was no problem at all with that bank. By this teargas they downed not only small investors but also professionals and big companies. Why should the victims pay for the robbery- “for not choosing the right bank”, “for a blind man does not play poker” and similar cynicism? How could these victims make an informed decision if they were overwhelmed by fraud and deliberate mislead? When I enter the Bulgarian banking system I do not enter a casino! By paying the due taxes I am entitled to rely on justice, tax administration, police, national security agency, audit office and national bank. What have they done and will they pay for their inaction?
It seems we are confronted with a holocaust on elementary statehood.
September 2014 Valentin Braykov