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  • On 01.01.2008 Bulgarians were greeted by drastic increase in the excise tax and social insurance installments. As a result fuel prices reached European levels in the poorest country on the continent. The inflation domino quickly turned the rest of prices into European against the non-European income of the population. On top of all a new 10% product’s fee was introduced on the price of white and black home appliances as an alleged advance payment of their future dismantling when trashed.
  • When in 1867 the first volume of “Das Kapital” by Karl Marx was issued, the main instrument of capitalist exploitation was the so called surplus value. There was neither VAT nor excise at that time. Surplus value is the symbol of wild capitalism – that addition to the production cost which is the profit of the capitalist. By what jungle terms would Marx qualify a fuel price where nearly 60% are state taxes (duties, excise and VAT) beyond and above the surplus value of the prodicer/supplier? If a barrell of crude oil (L159)=$100=BGN 133, one litre of crude oil would cost BGN 133: L 159 = BGN 0.83. What makes this litre of crude at BGN 0.83 become a litre of gasoline at BGN 2.40 (Eurpo 1.20)?
  • Surplus value is economically linked and justified. If the claimed profit is too high, the respective prpoduct becomes either unsellable or causes a competition production to share the high market margin. A capitalist relies on the demand for the product he offers and on the need for income by the emplyed worker to survive. In other words this is an economic leverage, oriented towards and conditioned by the market result.
  • In distinction to the “wild capitalists” of the 19th century, the “democrates” of the 21st suck in VAT, excise, product fees, social insurance installments etc. by a direct state repression and threat of force. The tax payer is confronted not by an ordinary capitalist who relies on his needs or hunger but by an army, police, tax administration and judicial system by which the rulers help themselves with his pocket as if it was a Christmas bankomat.Suplus value is a small part of the state’s receivables compared to the excise, VAT, taxes, duties etc. At the backgrounmd of modern state exploitation, Das Kapital by Karl Marx sounds like the “Ode of Joy”.
  • It is one story to impose excise on alcohol and tobacco in order to reduce their harmful consumption and a very different one to impose it on fuels which are the energy basis of all living standard and the first plate of the inflation domino. Here one cannot escape to another capitalist of the 19th century because it is just this state with its monoploy on legitimate repression to extract taxes. There is no alternative state on the same territory. Excise and VAT are actually parasite taxes because they are not linked to and are not dependent on the end economic result- while such a linkage exists at profit/corporate/income tax. VAT and excise levy the effort regardless of the result- this makes them so sweet to a greedy and irresponsible government. On the other side social insurance (another big mandatory paymenmt) is not a contract at all but a pure pension tax- the free will of the individual has absolutely no relevance for its start and terms.
  • Another difference from the 19th century capitalism is that today the ordinary citizen is deprived of his earlier anonimity. Through the mobile telephone they know your exact personal location, through the computer- what you write or is written to you and through the bank account and credit card- what you earn and spend. The anonimity of money as a payment instrument to the bearer is about to disappear. The possible full control on the individual creates a new type of totalitarism exceeding everything experienced under communism. The prophecy from the Illyad that the spirit of the defeated seizes the victor comes true- just like comminism took over practices from nazism, so the victorious democracy took over methods from communism. All the above is a European problem and not specifically Bulgarian.
  • It turns out that the cutting edge of power is directed against the free will of the individual, against his right of choice to accept or refuse something. The forced extraction of assets from the population beyond the normal economic logic are sincere slavery methastases disguised in 21st century technologies. But their background is in the 12th century- they feel restricted by Magna Carta of 1215 and try to push us back before that year. Instead of a round table- a round pocket. Someone pretends to forget Magna Carta’s art.61:

“We will not seek to procure from anyone, either by our own efforts or those of a third party, anything by which any part of these concessions or liberties might be revoked or diminished. Should such a thing be procured, it shall be null and void and we will at no time make use of it, either ourselves or through a third party”.
JOHN, by the grace of God King of England…,… Given by our hand in the meadow that is called Runnymede, between Windsor and Staines, on the fifteenth day of June in the seventeenth year of our reign (i.e. 1215).

  • The designers of the modern life pattern should know that by the exploitation through taxes, insurance, duties and fees they write a new Communist Manifesto (exactly 160 years after the original) which starts with price digits rather than with letters. Their dead-lock is the reality that brutal taxes are the function of unpunished crime- if you cannot defend the state assets from criminal agression and if you are even complicit to that agression, you have no choice but to increase the inflow into the bottomless state basket. Beauty and lack of money cannot be hidden.
  • The natural correctrive to the tax mysery (if it is ever realized) is the disastrously low productivity of labour in Bulgaria- probably the lowest in Europe. Successful labour can only be the dignified labour. The latter presuumes inspiration, creativity, imagination, courage, enterprise and self-reliance – all features of the individual spirit. The deprived, smashed and mocked person has no flight of mind, he seeks to revenge the fraud and oppression and sees no sense in a better work. The harvest of the “excise VATism” is the low quality work. The latter cannot fill up the state budget and so the hunger for indirect taxes bites deeper- untill the moment of social explosion.

January 2008

Valentin Braykov