- In order to redirect public attention from crucial EU accession failures and priorities some famous ghosts were called in on the stage- agents files of the former communist security service. This proved to be a tradition in every election year since 1991- to shoot the poison arrows against political opponents with no right to court appeal.
- This time interior minister (who is badly needed these days to fight organized crime and corruption) released selectively five files of famous journalists who allegedly were communist security agents. One of those journalists went into a shocking public confession asking for pardon from locals and foreigners whom he allegedly spied. This storm is gathering speed and may turn into a political hurricane to hit the political top .
- Yet there are two good reasons why this pot of poison would be kept cooking slowly but prevented from boiling over.
- Media reports suggest that those KGB files are between 100 000 and 500 000. Let them be 100 000. Legal psychology claims that every grave criminal enjoys the sympathy and support of at least 5 people- relatives, friends, anti-establishment critics etc.- the so called “solidarity circle”. If you submit those 100 000 people to the public lynch you should be certain to expect that their solidarity circle will make up a half a million furious army anxious to destroy you politically. No one can afford the creation of so many opponents in an election year- like mythical soldiers growing up from the poison seeds on a drake’s field. The fear of disclosure is the cutting edge and not the actual disclosure show-down. A dangerous striptease with poison files.
- And the other reason is that once the disclosure eruption happens and the dust settles it will be clearly realized that the real beneficiaries of that massive internal police espionage was the next communist generation who had to grow and learn to govern in peace and in plenty. All those secret security agents were used to ensure the calm and prosperous life of the communist elite. One of the lynched journalists put it this way: ”If you make a soap of the flesh/soul of KZ inmates and with that scented soap Nazi/Communist children have washed, are those Nazi/Communist children clean today? Without such files and in power?”. The ruling communist children in socialist design do not want that question.
- But the practical result of the above orgy is that Bulgarian criminal police can no longer rely on public information calls. No one wants to collaborate with a police force that can betray him in the future as a social outcast. Hence more than 150 unresolved public assassinations and bombings on the top of the Brussels list with Bulgarian concerns.
June 2006
Valentin Braykov
Braykov’s Legal Office