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  • On November 24th 2008 Bulgaria definitively lost Euro 220 mln from the PHARE program. The unprecedented decision for the poorest EU member was reasoned by the European Commission with political corruption and intervention in the process of funds allocation within the country. Frozen and threatened remain other Euro 340 mln under PHARE and many more under ISPA and SAPARD. This tragic news made headlines in the world press.
  • Tears of hopeless and helpless shame of their own government burst in the eyes of many Bulgarians.
  • Under art. 219 of the Penal code: An employee who does not exert sufficient care in the management of his assigned work and this causes considerble damage to the enterprise or to the economy shall be punished in grave cases by one to five years in prison.
  • The ruling makers of shame for the lost EU millions have committed exactly this crime of mismanagement.
  • Where are the eyes of the independent and politically impartial Bulgarian justice? Will this crime like so many others be shelved as committed by an unknown criminal?

November 2008

Braykov’s Legal Office