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 Bulgaria is no longer the Tomato republic on the Balkans – this is the basic message of the street riots to the ruling idiots who have lost any common sense and social gravity. They float like weightless astronauts in their fiction chamber.

     He who thinks that a 7% reduction of electricity price can extinguish the raging social fire should take a long leave for his personal psychiatric examination. It is as if a pissing young boy tries to stop forest flames. The hidden extra of the situation is that on both ends of the tunnel are ticking bombs and there is no exit without blowing at least one of them – either the monopolies will collapse by unpaid bills or the people will collapse by paying them. The survival of one party is the death of the other. Time does not heal these bills.

     No one dares to say that there are at lest three transactions with the energy before it reaches the consumer’s electrometer – as resales and services for its transport and access. Each of these transactions brings 20% VAT. Multiply this by three (at least) to understand what we pay. The law bans interest on interest but they levy tax on a tax. If the transaction for delivery of electricity was just one direct and not three its price will fall down by 50%. The problem is also with the VAT vampire.

     There is no democracy without market economy. Over a monopolies’ economy there can only be feudal power with democratic trinkets. Everything is a monopoly: petrol, natural gas, electricity, water, heating, telecom, media, the banking cartel etc. They even quietly nationalized the health care funds and the pension funds dropping them into the state budget pool. Does Brussels see this?

     They pulled over the people’s neck the old yoke, only new carters swing the whip. We are all their serfs. Like crocodiles they ambush their victims at the water place and tear them to pieces in an economic slaughter without precedent in Bulgarian history. They forced Bulgarians to consider their own state as the worst enemy. And that emigration is the only survival.

     Justice is an old and banal joke while police cares only for the security of the elite. Monopoly laws are like the 1935 Nuremberg nazi laws against the Jews. A 1943 “Final Solution” = “Die Endlosung” is being imposed on the Bulgarian consumers. Try to challenge a monopoly’s bill at court  – “a Crystal Night”.

     Karl Marx would have said that the social flames across Europe have thrown light on “the basic antagonistic contradiction of the new social order”. But all are watching the bushes and no one the forest including “the modern left with right pockets”.

     There is no way to push the pressed out toothpaste back into the tube.

     Three protestors put themselves and the country on fire.

     The fire in oil wells is put out by explosions. The Bulgarian social fire can avoid this recipe only if the rulers quickly come to their senses and recall that each Common Man is a Temple of the Holy Spirit.

March 2013                                                                                                             Valentin Braykov