On June 1st 2012 in Bulgaria entered into force the full ban on smoking at in-door public places. I am not going to comment on the exhausted topic of benefits and harms etc. I do not smoke.
Such a ban premises a mental deficiency of the common smoker, his inability like a small child to make an informed choice. That is why the state as a step-mother comes in the role of a trustee/guardian and tells the “child” what it can or cannot do. The smashed tax payer turns incapacitated.
It is worth noting that this ban comes globally and nationally from those power centers which allowed the present financial holocaust on all mankind happen. Millions of poor unemployed people are on the street with lost homes. Millions of broken families with unhappy children. And no one says who won the lost money and what it is being used for. No spaceship with cash load has left the earth? This money is somewhere around. The tongue-tied on these questions try to obscure them by the smoke of the banned cigarette.
What is this civilization which saves the banks but deserts the people?
What is this civilization which is financed by the effort and by the food bite (VAT and excise) and not by the result? It is not interested in the individual success. VAT-this French invention of 1954 can be placed next to the guillotine in the museum of French culture.
The crisis is not financial but a crisis of fairness. Because politicians fail on justice, they force the common man to save on his food.
In Bulgaria those who banned smoking are the same eunuchs in the harem of monopolies who suffocate the whole nation in the gas chambers of water supply, electricity, heating and fuel by the smoke of their monopoly prices. Also on Children’s day – June 1st!
10 years ago I was driving on the highway from Washington to Richmond. On one of the bridges over the road there was this sign:
“Why do politicians ban cigarettes while smoking cigars?”
No world cheater has ever cheated Moses’ clear choice before the Jewish people:
You either follow the Ten God’s Commands Or you follow the Golden calf.
But you cannot follow both!
The Greek Patriarch said something very true which remained intentionally unheard:
“Those who robbed Greece are not Christians-
regardless how many candles they light in Church”.
To believe that the suckers of tobacco excise have good intentions by banning public smoking is the same as to believe in the vegetarian advice of a smiling butcher in a meat shop.
June 1st, 2012 Valentin Braykov