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The panic of the government because of the banking quake turned out to be much bigger than the fear of the depositors for their savings. You saw what a small quake made the cabin creak? This is a sinister revelation to the common citizens about their horrible strength and about the exposed Achilles’ heel of those in power.

     The next revolution may be without classic violence but just through bank withdrawals and non-payment of taxes. Against such shots the banking politicians and the politicizing bankers have no armor. Their basic fear reveals this vulnerability.

      In 2010 Eric Cantona, the famous French soccer player and forward of Manchester United, appealed to the Europeans to withdraw their money from the banks- in order to crush the system. Others joined him with the slogan: “Stop the Banking Al Qaeda!”. I have not heard Cantona being arrested by masked policemen- as it happened to some like-minded in Bulgaria. To order: “For the banks – good or nothing!” is the same as to pronounce them dead.

      Here in 2014 is still valid the criminal prescription of the 1996 banking catastrophe:

“Nationalization of the losses, privatization of the profits”.
But the difference is that the sheep do not believe the false shepherd any more.

“The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.
The hired man, since he is not the shepherd
and the sheep do not belong to him,
abandons the sheep as soon as he sees a wolf coming, and runs away
and then the wolf attacks and scatters the sheep;”
John 10:11-12

      The collapse of the Corporate and Commercial Bank is mostly due to high level political crime. The attempt to disguise it as a common robbery is an act of post-factum complicity.

      Today the Bulgarian people look like Samson from the Bible- cheated, chained and blinded by the charms of the Democratic Delilah who is now feasting with his enemies. At the height of this “royal dinner” another price dagger was stabbed into our energy back. But the Bulgarian Samson has the strength to bring down this whole prison onto them and onto himself in order to stop the brutal orgy.

     There are also reasonable and sensible people in the Bulgarian elite and not only pathological thieves and professional traitors. I hope that these soloists of reason will hear the Samson fury before it crushes down everything on all of us.

July 2014                                                                                                       Valentin Braykov