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  • n the last two months the Supreme Judicial Council of Bulgaria has been shaken by the scandal of the so called “Krassi the Black”- an unknown person in his late twenties and a barman who allegedly organised corruptive lobbyism for the election of judicial chiefs throughout last year. In the created by media public assumption there is no doubt what the main business of that person was. Hundreds of telephone conversations between him and members of the Supreme judicial council have been established and three of those members already resigned.
  • Interesting are the stages of pressure that lead to these resignations. First, there was no information who from the “judicial government” had talked to the lobbyist. And nobody conceded. Then it became known that several hundred such conversations have been registered. Those concerned reacted that these were general and permitted conversations on non-judicial topics of life which were legally and ethically immune. At the end most of Krassi’s talk partners began to submit their resignations. Why? What made them clearly vulnerable? These are experienced and best qualified top magistrates who know in all details the evidence procedure and who are not scared by bluffs especially when they defend their own survival.
  • The most likely assumption is that the investigating authorities (still in the shadow) possess not only the list with number of calls and talk partners of certain telephone conversation. Because that was in the beginning when the concerned magistrates refused to resign. Probably in this poker a new trump was thrown against them- print-outs of the conversations themselves which have forced the magistrates to opt for resignations. We are unable to think of another logical explanation for their change of behaviour.
  • But the above raises a few questions: 1. It would mean that telephones of magistrates have been intercepted and tapped which should have been preceded by a special authorisation. Is there such a one? 2. If its absence is the reason these print-outs to be used only as a behind-the-scene weapon for some compromise, aren’t we confronted with a behind-the-scene justice process? 3. Who has the interest to create a public illusion that the judicial system can purge itself i.e. that it has the immune capacity to do it when this is clearly not the case?
  • The general picture resembles very much the controlled explosion of an old building instead of bombing it with napalm- because the current theatre grants the rats carrying the infection a safe exit.
  • In moral aspect the above events have their New Testament parallel: Merchants have been found in the Temple. Was it right for Christ to wait for their self purge by resignations and for sessions of the Temple management instead of starting immediately to turn down their merchant stands and chase them out of the Temple?

October 2009

Braykov’s Legal Office