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  • “Dad, where does the Crisis live?” asked my daughter recently. I immediately realized that her imagination swung between the story of the Dragon and the Golden Apple and the media waterfall for the econimic crisis as explanation of all our misfortunes. And I felt that in this question there was more than its apparent naivity. The child’s innocence wants to see the Crisis personalized as a live dragon who deprives some people of their jobs and others- of their golden apple. It seems that in the House of fun morrors that we inhabit someone wants to prevent exactly this terribly simple question. In my mind marched other media sponsored, collective and impersonal terms explaining the world miseries as natural disasters instead of specific deeds of certain people. For example next to the Crisis one should blame the Transition, the War, the Globalization, the Market etc. Do you sense the implied analogy with Earthquake, Fire, Flood, Tsunami, Draught, Winter etc. as invincible forces of nature, as force majoeure facts for which no one is liable? It will be the same to claim that the mother has got pregnant by Sex and not by a certain man.
  • In the House of fun mirrors there are no correct images. The real question is not to correct those images but to remove the mirrors from the wall.
  • I cannot help laughing bitterly when watching the televised repentance of the golf billonnaire Tiger Woods that he cheated his wife with a few girls and that of the millionnaire Jesse James who was unfaithful to his wife Sandra Bullock. With all my respect to those personal dramas I would like to ask: Has anyone repented for the long standing orgy on the world financial markets, has anyone confessed how many millions he snatched in this group financal sex, has anyone given anything back? How many millions of families were broken as a result of this financial orgy having swept away their roof, jobs, schools, future? What are the entertainments of Tiger Wood and Jesse James in the context of this global family tragedy caused by the banking Babylon in which we live? What is more immoral- to enjoy a few beauties by their consent or to rape financially billions of people and then submerge like a submarine in the anonimity of a “natural disaster”? Concealing the names of the people responsible for this global econimic genocide and their hiding behind impresonal force majoeure terms are the real bars of our prison cells where we are kept away from common sense. Exactly for this reason we deserve the fate of Russian slave peasants “Burlaki” who drag the ship up the stream on the Volga river.
  • Do you think that the shadow managers of the “bankified” politics would agree to a one and only media-free day across the world? Mankind to get silent, to listen to silence and to hear the voice of its own conscience? They would never allow this unless we switch off the tv sets ourselves.
  • Bulgarians should understand that there is no democracy where there is a totalitarian economy. You cannot have one central heating company, one gas supplier, one electricity company, one water supplier, one health insurance, same gasoline prices etc. and to buld in the imagination a political pluralism on the fundament of economic monopolism. How can Germany have 167 health insurance funds most of which have paid dividends to their members for 2009? (not to increase the health insuarnce installment but exactly the opposite!). Or how can the German constitutional court proclaim as anti- constitutional the linkage between the natural gas price and the oil price being a violation of the German consumer’s basic rights leading to unjustified increase in the gas price? Has any of the Bulgarian media told you this instead of the daily fiction scandals? By how much the Bulgarian gas price goes up for the same reason as of April 1st 2010?
  • Just before Easter I travelled to Vienna. On the three seat row behind me there was a mother with her 7 year old daughter and another woman. The girl and the woman made friends quickly, the child explained that her father was an Austrian and they were to stay with him for the holidays. When we landed at Schwechat airport the woman said a warm good-bye to the girl and asked her for the name again. And this is what the little girl replied with her sweet ringing voice:”My name is German but my heart is Bulgarian”. Only those present there could feel how the plane’s cabin suddenly got quiet, swallowed the emotion and made way to mother and child to leave first.

April 2010

Valentin Braykov