- The endless comments on the global crisis come down mainly to the huge losses of financial institutions, corporations, banks, states etc.: this one lost 50 bln, another one- 100 bln, a third one- 200 bln. Money might have been lost by somebody but it has not disappeared. We have heard nothing of cash loads having flown out into space. Someone else has won it. The money is here but in another pocket. And for this lucky winner nobody talks. Who are these lucky guys, where are their trillions, have they been taxed, what is this money being used for? Some may object that a big part of these losses is not real but fiction money. If so, why is the loss of these fiction assets being compensated by real money? How do fiction losses destroy real jobs?
- Some people turned the assets of mankind into a world financial casino and gambled them away. The few winners and the managers of the casino got away with packed pockets through its back door and left behind some well paid actors to play publicly a tragic comedy. So much money in the hands of so few shadow men cease to be means for satisfaction of whatever human needs- this money turns into a weapon for power. That is the real tumor. From the addiction to power and the rage of the impoverished to the war is just a small step. It has happened before.
- One should not inject into the world economy trillions and trillions of freshly printed money without mentioning that the result will be an inevitable inflation.
- The worst blow of the current crisis are not the financial losses but the deliberate assassination against the common sense of the common man.
May 2009
Braykov’s Legal Office